Back in the old days all you needed to succeed was a little gumption, determination and a dream. My dream was to have a clone. This photo documents my realization of that dream after weeks of working with my own DNA and a steady supply of salamanders from the rich soil of the New Jersey highlands. … [Read more...]
A video for freelancers everywhere Someone on twitter posted a link to this satirical video about "The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations" and I couldn't believe how true it rang. So much so that I really didn't laugh at it the first time, I just thought "Yes. Yes I … [Read more...]
Life after 40
MIRROR CHECK Day One: Nose hair under control! Eyebrows lookin' good! Ears lookin' good! Day Two: Nose hair under control Eyebrows lookin' good Ears lookin' good A few more white hairs in beard than yesterday. How? Day Three: Long coarse hairs protruding from … [Read more...]
“It Steals Your Money!” – part 2
Just for fun I ran the Russian text of the spam in my last entry through Google Translate to see if I could get a better idea of what it read. The result was much more natural in tone but I still don't know what the spammer was trying to achieve. The Google translation was as follows: "Beware … [Read more...]
“It Steals Your Money!”
This arrived in my inbox a few minutes ago. The text is in Russian so I had it translated with Babel Fish. The results made me chuckle. As translated the subject says: "Carefully, [moshennitsa]!" Just over the picture it says: "It steals your money!" And the main text reads: "[Pashkulskaya] … [Read more...]
Sammy the Hanukkah Lobster makes Much More Music’s “20 Horrible Holiday Songs” List I was happy to learn that Sammy the Hanukkah Lobster was featured on Much More Music's Listed program over the holidays! Sure it was as a horrible holiday tune but we were among some good company (and some truly horrible … [Read more...]