I have no idea what the true purpose of this spam may be.
This arrived in my inbox a few minutes ago. The text is in Russian so I had it translated with Babel Fish. The results made me chuckle.
As translated the subject says: “Carefully, [moshennitsa]!”
Just over the picture it says: “It steals your money!”
And the main text reads: “[Pashkulskaya] Helen Nikolaevna Date of generation 12.11.1984 g. Place of the generation: g. anthracite, the Ukraine It lives in Saint Petersburg. Under the guise customs broker it is occupied by financial machinations, [umyshlenno] involving the custom fee of loads, leads your goods to the confiscation. You be careful!”
It looks like translation software still has a way to go.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m preoccupied by financial machinations.
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